
With your help we can fund the extras to improve your healthcare facilities above and beyond the NHS, to make the hospital experience the best it can be for all who visit and stay there. 

We can provide a range of equipment, such as the Specto Ultrasound System at £45k which will help many patients or the voice amplifier at £64, which will improve the quality of life for an individual patient.

Our overheads are minimal as we have no staff.

Your help in fundraising activities is critical.  You can donate through the “donate” button or set up a fundraising inititiative to support our work.

Here are some examples of how we have raised funds.

Robbie’s cycle challenge

Robbie’s cycle challenge

Robbie Cryer, Trustee of The Friends of York Hospitals met the challenge of cycling around all the York & Scarborough NHS premises on 25 February to raise funds to enhance patient care at York Hospital.

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York Walking Quiz

York Walking Quiz

This walking quiz has been developed for the Friends of York Hospitals as a means of raising funds to enable our good work to continue. You can set your own pace, stop at any time for a break or shopping and pick it up again when it suits you.

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Setting a Personal or Group Challenge

Setting a Personal or Group Challenge

Rachel Martin, and Hussein Syed, set themselves individual challenges to raise funds for FOYH, setting up fundraising webpages to receive online donations.

Their efforts raised £1116.

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Christmas Raffles

Christmas Raffles

The Christmas Raffles for the past three years have raised a massive £2468. Many prizes were kindly donated by local businesses and supporters. The Hotel Du Vin is loyal supporter donating a number of prizes each year.

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Flower Power

Flower Power

We have benefited by £800 from a village conservation initiative run by Mel & Stephanie Neale. They involved the villagers of Kelfield buying and scattering wild- flower seeds.

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Spicing up lockdown

Spicing up lockdown

We benefited from an innovative way to raise funds during lockdown. Tom & Max Bell offered a curry delivery service to residents in the village of Kelfield, raising funds for a number of charities including us.

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