Leaving a legacy
Leave a gift in your Will to have a lasting impact on the quality of life of patients and their families.
Legacies have a huge impact and help us to make a real and lasting difference to the care patients receive.
We want to be able to pay for the latest medical equipment, big or small, when it is asked for.
We want to create a more comfortable and welcoming hospital environment for local patients, young and old.
It is legacies, more than any other source of funds, which help us to achieve this.

Taking the time to make a Will gives you peace of mind and makes sure that the people you love and the causes you care about most, will be provided for.
With legacies, big or small, you are making your mark on the future. They can also be a tax-efficient way of managing your finances.
There are three main ways of leaving a legacy in your Will:
● A residuary legacy This works by leaving a percentage of your estate. The great advantage of residuary legacy gifts is that their value cannot decrease with inflation.
● A pecuniary legacy This is when you leave a loved one or a charity a fixed sum of money.
● A specific gift This is when you leave a building, piece of land or shares to a person or charity.

Legacy funds paid for this exercise training for local people living with Parkinson’s disease.
Writing your Will
We recommend using a qualified professional to help you create your Will. This makes sure your wishes are clear and the Will is legally sound. If you already have a Will, a solicitor can easily amend it for you by writing a codicil to file alongside the existing Will.
You should name the charity Friends of York Hospitals, and include the registered charity number (1183252).
Where possible, we encourage broad support – choosing to support the charity as a whole – so we can direct your funds to our areas of greatest need. This will make sure that your donation is flexible enough to meet advances in medical technology andcan be used where the need is greatest.
Alternatively, you can specify that you wish to fund a particular area of hospital treatment. If so the Friends will make sure that your legacy is used to support the part of the hospital you have chosen. If you do specify a particular area, it is helpful to use the phrase ‘I wish to support …’ . This means that if the area is re-named, or if there are changes in medical technology or techniques, we can ensure your gift can still be used.
Information to use in your Will
The following information will help you or your solicitor, but please get in touch with us – or ask your solicitor to contact us – if you would like more guidance.
Our registered charity number is 1183252
Our address is:
Friends of York Hospitals
York Hospital
Wigginton Road
York YO31 8HE
Email: contact.us@foyh.org.uk
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